The Class of 1981 Fund was created by members of the Georgia Tech Class of 1981 to support community service opportunities at Georgia Tech and to serve as a resource for all Georgia Tech student organizations participating in community service. This application-based fund serves as a financial resource for the Georgia Tech community, particularly student organizations participating in community service efforts.

- Registered and active student organizations, both undergraduate and graduate, recognized by the Student Government Associations and the Center for Student Engagement.
- Georgia Tech students or student-based programs may submit a request for support of a major project or program, so long as it is connected to the overall purpose of the fund.
- Applications should be submitted through the Civic Engagement Engage page, at least 3 weeks (21 days) in advance of the scheduled initiative that funding is being sought for.
- Submitted applications will be reviewed by staff within the Center for Student Engagement, and decisions regarding funding allocation will be determined and communicated.
- The requested amount may be provided fully, partially, or not at all based on review of submitted materials and connection to community service efforts.
- If provided funding, a follow-up report highlighting the impact of the funded initiative is required.
To apply
More specific application guidelines, requirements, and form coming soon.
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